Exposure Visit by EFC team and Farmers,Pynursla

An Exposure Visit by the EFC team and Oyster Mushroom Farmers’ Members from Pynursla was conducted at the Megha Food Cooperative Society premises ,Mendipathar.Awareness program cum interactive session  was spread over a period of two (2) days. On the first day,Mr.Nilesh Trivedi,Asst.  Director,DFO(DC-MSME) was present an interactive session was held with the farmers and the different benefits of various schemes/ programs of MSME such as registration of Udyam Adhar, LEAN certifications, ZED, ISO, BIS were explained in detail. Questions pertaining to all these were taken up and explained in detail to the farmers and all members present.  Second day, an interactive session with Sr. Rose (Secretary – MMCS, IA) was organized. She spoke with the SPV member, mushroom farmers from Pnyrsula, EKH and motivated them in doing good production. She gave a presentation on how the Oyster Mushroom cluster was built over the last two years and what all work has happened on ground, how the cluster is going to benefit the mushroom farmers, the advantages of training and doing homogenous production, building standardized mushroom sheds etc. Farmers from Pynursla had an interactive session with mushroom farmers from Mendipathar. She further explained the advantage of winning the market through “power of aggregation” which the farmers will get from the CFC and the brand value it will create for the production happening at the local level. Post the interactions, a field visit to see the standardized mushroom sheds built with support from DoA, GoM was undertaken.


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