
Megha Food


Oyster Mushrooms Organic Farming

More about

Fresh Mushroom
Dehydrated Mushroom
Mushroom Powder
Mushroom Pickle


With the increasing micro-nutrient deficiency in children and high Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates in the state of Meghalaya, this project was designed & developed which aims to address the nutritional deficiency of the mothers and children in general and to promote more secure and resilient livelihoods for 2,000+ tribal smallholder farmers from 19 villages in the Resubelpara block of North Garo Hills District thereby ensuring productive and equitable participation of tribal farmer in a sustainable food production system.

The project supports smallholder farmers in standardized production, training & skill development, value addition, market linkage and creating a brand for reaching out to a much larger markets, thereby creating a positive and enabling environment for TRIBALS in the region.

Megha Food


Organic Mushroom
Megha Food Mulitpurpose Cooperative Society Ltd.

An economic and nutritive alternative for tribal women of Garo Hills – Oyster Mushroom Cultivation.



Megha Food has been growing & has started to become visible now. Supporting the inquisitiveness and hard work of the mushroom growers in the cluster with newer practices, cultivation methods, technology support, value addition & market linkages by bringing in technologically advanced systems through this cluster.

Low population density & low-quality infrastructure makes it challenging to deliver financial services and training to farmers. MEGHA FOOD has built a localized network of local service providers (LSPS) who deliver training & extension services to farmers using digital services (GREENQUBE)



I am grateful that you (Megha-Mushroom) provided me with mushroom cultivation training, and I believe and hope that I will have a source of income, which I am already receiving. You showed us how to use the straws, how to cut them, how to boil them, and how to load the substrate and spawning into the bag, and that is how we learned to grow mushrooms. I'll also grow more mushrooms in the future. For the time being, I've come to a halt because summer has arrived. I cultivated a few mushrooms last year and sold roughly 10 kg, and I know these opportunities are wonderful, and I've learned that this lets me earn money without putting in a lot of effort, so I'll continue to cultivate mushrooms. We are also permitted to obtain loans through this initiative, and if you are financially insecure, you may obtain loans to construct a mushroom shed and begin farming. I am pleased that such projects are being developed, and I hope that this will lead to greater options for livelihood in the future. And I believe that moving forward is solely dependent on one's desire to do so, and that if one is unwilling to do so, even after a long period of time, they will not.

Dalwin Marak/Village: Thapa Dajonggre

My name is Eathi, and I'm from the Jampara village. I learned how to cultivate mushrooms after receiving the training. We don't get mushrooms on a regular basis. We used to only acquire wild mushrooms that sprouted from the ground when the season came around, but now we've learned to cultivate after training. Through this initiative, it has provided chances for livelihood and assistance in obtaining various schemes, such as assistance in applying for pension schemes for unorganised sectors, and we think that in the future, more employment opportunities will be available for the youth in CFC.

Eathi Marak/Village: Jampara

We weren't expecting an upgrade in our livelihood before we obtained the mushroom cultivation instruction, but now that you've given it to us, even though we haven't yet succeeded, we can see that we are already succeeding because we didn't know how to produce mushrooms before, but now we do. As a result, if our programme is effective in the future, we anticipate a source of income and an enhancement in our standard of living. We are attempting to improve our lives by taking a step forward with the Mushroom team. I believe most of us has already learnt better ideas and learnt skills and we’re hoping to learn more and get an opportunity to have a better livelihood in the future by being a part of cluster. . I believe that by being a part of cluster, most of us have already gained better ideas and abilities, and we want to gain even more knowledge and an opportunity to have a better future livelihood. We intend to work even harder in the future, bolstering the cluster by collaborating with additional farmers. We have learned that with the support of all those who have come here and educated us about this and diverse abilities, we will undoubtedly have better possibilities for a better livelihood, and we will work harder to strengthen everyone else in order to make this a success. And I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone who has helped us by sharing your knowledge and abilities and for assisting the underprivileged.

Rakseng Marak/Village: Chidimit Saridam

I'm Cruinna Marak, and I'm from the village of Harinkata. Through this project, I received training on growing oyster mushrooms, and I'm happy to say that I registered for the programme. Although I had heard of mushroom growing before, I had never received training in it. However, I am grateful to the initiative for giving me the opportunity to do so. I think we should take advantage of this chance since it will assist the public generate additional cash. I haven't begun growing mushrooms yet since I don't have a place to store them, but this initiative has given us the chance to apply for an interest-free loan so that we can start constructing a mushroom shed. When my shed is constructed, I'll start the cultivation.

Cruinna Marak/Village: Harinkata

My name is Lucky Frency Ch Momin . As a member of the oyster mushroom cultivators for the oyster mushroom cluster project, I'm glad that initiatives like this are taking off in the area because they enable everyone—especially women like me—to supplement our incomes and thereby better support their families. In light of the CFC's impending arrival, we will have our own market where we can sell our produce without needing to look for customers all across. Since the CFC would need workers, I think it will also make it easier for locals to get employment. I was able to learn how to grow oyster mushrooms with the aid of this project, and even if the CFC isn't yet finished, I'm already growing mushrooms and selling quite a few kilogrammes of them, which has much aided my financial situation. This endeavour is therefore, in my opinion, a blessing for all of us farmers.

Lucky Frency Ch Momin/Village: Babupara

I'm Rosemary Ch Momin, and I'm from Babupara. My sister originally told me about this endeavour and helped me sign up for the programme. The construction of a mushroom shed was the biggest barrier for farmers like me who make the minimum wage, but with the aid of this project, we were able to apply for a loan that promised us no interest. CFC will be available in the nearby locality where we can easily go and sell our produce. Additionally, the ready-to-fruit mushroom bags will be available at the CFC itself, minimising the time we will need for mushroom cultivation and allowing us to engage in other activities.

Rosemary Ch Momin/Village: Babupara

My name is Subit Rabha, and I am a mushroom farmer from Maniganj Habanda. I observed others growing mushrooms, and by observing them prepare the bags, I learned how to do it myself. I made 12 bags and was able to sell about 4 kg of them. With the aid of the training programme run by Megha-Food Cooperative Society, I have also had the chance to receive suitable training. I think the upcoming oyster mushroom cluster project will provide those who wish to grow mushrooms with a better platform where we can sell our produce and get advice on how to take care of the produce. Additionally, we will be able to participate in additional activities since the CFC will provide us with ready-made bags.

Subit Rabha/Village: Maniganj (Habanda)


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