Megha Mushroom Newsletter


The key to altering the future of smallholder women farmers in the most remote regions of our country is a combination of healthy living and sustainable livelihoods. MFCS has partnered with MLF & MMCS through their various other projects to support women @ cluster level to overcome these challenges which improve their overall quality of life. 

MFCS’s work (though a very new and small farmer organization) is working towards 07 out of 17 SDGs set by The United Nations. 

Reports/ Newsletter

Baseline Survey

To support the sustainability and growth of mushroom farmers in the North Garo Hills region by addressing common issues such as improvement of technology, skills and quality, market access, access to capital, etc., MMCS along with MLF planned to integrate the farmers into a cluster and implement the project under the SFURTI Scheme of MSME, GoI…

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Green Week Drive

The SFURTI division of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), GoI has organized a Plantation Week Drive starting 15th June 2021 – 22nd June 2021 as an initiative to make all the SFURTI cluster head towards Greener future of work…

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Farmer Awareness Programme

Farmer awareness programme on oyster mushroom under SFURTI scheme, Govt of India…

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Newsletter Edition 01

Located in tribal belt of North Garo Hills, the project covers 1000 farmers of the region involved in mushroom production. The aim of the project is to empower unskilled and semi-skilled mushroom famers through value addition by using technologybased interventions…

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Newsletter Edition 02

Over the recent years, Oyster Mushroom has gained significant momentum as a wholesome quality food with numerous health benefits. Owing to various steps undertaken by GOI, Ministry of Agriculture and various Farmers’ Welfare Schemes…

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Newsletter Edition 03

Who, or what, is The Megha Food? The Megha Food Cooperative Society is a special purpose company created for oyster mushroom production created by MMCS and MLF together under the aegis of MoMSME, GoI…

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Newsletter Edition 04

Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus species) is an excellent choice for new mushroom growers as, it is easier to cultivate than many other species and may be grown on a modest scale with a low initial expenditure…

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Newsletter Edition 05

Megha Food’s efforts in the North Garo Hills region are centred on providing mainly the women farmers with the necessary skills in all elements of oyster mushroom farming…

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Newsletter Edition 06

Megha Food Cooperative Society has always believed in the empowerment of communities through systematic long-term interventions,training and capacity building.The state-of-the-art mushroom cluster envisages to empower unskilled and semi-skilled mushroom farmers through value addition of oyster mushroom products thereby leading to an increase in the beneficiary income.

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